
#33 UPC / Barcode support

Rob Taft

I would like to be able to use a barcode reader to scan each movie and have the software determine what movie and media type it is (VHS, DVD, HDDVD, BR). has this support, but it is slow and unstable. It would be nice if it were quick, so I could scan through 100 movies in a few minutes and have the software look up each movie in the background. The big issue I have with My Movies 2 is that it does 2 net searches, one for the UPC, and another for the rest of the info. If an error occurs between step 1 and step 2, it loses all the UPCs already scanned. I just wanted to mention it as issues that may occur with implementing this.

I would also like to see maybe an inventory ability, where you could scan each movie when performing an inventory of your movies, to see what movies you physically have. This helps if someone borrows one and doesn't return it.

I understand that most people don't have barcode readers, but I'm sure there are 3rd party open source projects that will do a barcode scan with just a webcam.


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