
Get IMDB Info, Aspect ratio, fonts

  • samhill5215

    samhill5215 - 2007-09-08

    The Get IMDB Info button does not retrieve adult titles whether by title or IMDB id even when logged in to IMDB. Not sure if this is feasible since to see adult titles one must be logged in but perhaps MMM could store user id/password for this reason.

    It would be really terrific if MMM could retrieve Aspect Ratio and Company from IMDB.

    It would also be great if fonts could be specified.

    Overall well crafted program, very usable and simple.

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-09-08


      IMDb login is nearly implemented, but I believe it may take some time before the next version will be out.
      I do not have much time at the moment, unfortunately.



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