
Using MySQL as DB

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is it planned to use MySQL as Database?

    This would make some nice possibilities:

    - Data access over Networks (also internet)
    - enables the use of admin tools (i.e. PhpMyAdmin) to manage the datasets
    - possibility to access the data by other programs (Like Web browser etc.)

    I want to program a web frontend for my movie database, so i can access it from each PC in my network and directly start if out of the web application.

    I'm not that familiar with programming PHP onto Access databases, but with MySQL it would be easy to do that.

    • Bro

      Bro - 2005-11-02


      This has not been planned, but it is an interesting idea.
      MySQL will definately not in any way replace the current HSQLDB implementation, but it could be a nice addition.
      I'm not sure what kind of possibilities hsqldb can offer, but I don't expect it to be much.
      I'll try find out what it would take to get MySQL implemented, as I don't know much about the subject right now.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I tried to import the Data from the HSQLDB into MySQL, it didn't worked out. But as far i could see the SQL_Statements are not that different to HSQLDB.

      On the MySQL Homepage is a Java connector for MySQL, maybe this will help that you don't have to program to much new code. I'm not sure if it helps since i never programed Java. But maybe i should take a look at it ...


      (the same one like above ;-) )

    • Bro

      Bro - 2005-11-23


      I've implemented MySQL support, though it's not ready to be released officially.
      If you'd like to test it out just send me an email.
      Click my name to get the info you need.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry, had a lot to do in the lst months ... You get a maol from me later in the evening!



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