
Custom file extensions for movie search

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I haven't used the program much yet, but it seems to have greate potential.
    Would it e possible to add customizable file search so that a user can easily add movies in new formats:
    .ts, .tp, .iso, .img, etc
    Perhaps even regexp matching of file names.
    And finally for christmas (but preferably earlier of course :-) ) I like the possibility for the program
    to use directory names as the actual movie name.
    I often have a directory structure like:

    kind regards

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-03-22


      Yes it would be possible, though not for the next version.
      Technical info of the files can't be retrieved unless it's a media file, which would exclude files like iso and img.

      Movie name from the directory has been requested before. This might make it into the version after the next one, but I can't promise anything.


      • hondaman

        hondaman - 2008-02-10

        Is it possible to add .iso, .img, etc files yet?  If so, I cant find a way to make it index those files.

    • Bro

      Bro - 2008-02-11


      This hasn't been implemented.

      I'll try to get this into the next version.


      • shew

        shew - 2008-05-04

        This is great software.  Thanks for fixing the 'playing a file in linux' bug.  I use your software daily now. It appears that I can add any file type to the program, however the play button is disabled for some files, even tho playback is supported in my movie player.  Is there something I am doing incorrectly? Many thanks and kind regards

        • Bro

          Bro - 2008-05-05


          When a movie is selected in the list, the file path to the media file(s) is checked. If the path doesn't reference an existing file, the play button will  be disabled.
          Can you check the file paths?


          • shew

            shew - 2008-05-07

            Ok, I stumbled across my problem.  When I added a movie and select "Get File Info", I changed "Files of Type" to *.*.  I then selected sample_movie.flv.  No information about the movie was loaded, including the file path.  I got all of the IMDB info, saved and closed the record without realizing the file path was not saved. 
            Now that I know my mistake, manually adding the file path afterwards works fine, and playback works normal.  Thanks for helping me sort this out.

            • Bro

              Bro - 2008-05-07


              When a file format is not supported no info, including the path is not saved. That might not be the best behaviour.
              This should be changed.


              • shew

                shew - 2008-05-07

                Thanks Bro


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