

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    When I resize the window for the program then close it and re-open it it will return to it's original size. Is there a way to make it remember what size I changed it to?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i too get this problem, i think the previous person meant the "Movie Info" box on the right hand side of the interface!


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-12-28


      Do you mean the splitter that divides the movie list and the movie info area?
      If it changes back to default it's a bug that went by me before I released it.

      Thanks for the notification!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      yeah it is that! thanks for the response and thanks for a cracking program! i love it!

    • Bro

      Bro - 2008-01-02


      I'm unable to reproduce this eror on Windows 2000 and Windows Vista.

      Any help?


    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-02-25

      I have this issue, but it's the horizontal divider between the "Plot & Cast/Miscellaneous" section and the "Additional Info/Notes" section. It's the thick, shaded divider with the up/down arrows on the far left. Everytime I re-open the program, the divider is moved all the way down, completely minimizing the "Additional Info/Notes" section. I'm using Windows XP SP2.



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