
Filters (OR, AND, & NOT) & Location

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks for this effective simple too. I'm a convert from avimanager and like the simple interface and DB maintenance.
    1) Perhaps I don't understand how to get a list of all movies except some based on genre.  I'm trying to filter on (NOT Adult) before exporting to a web page for my kids to select movies to watch from. Basically, "NOT" would be a keyword just like "OR" and "AND".

    2) Moving the Filter to the type would reduce the mouse movement.

    3) Under the Movie Info, having the MPAA rating would be a big help.

    I've found the Queries and have written some just for this, but they don't let me export to a nice HTML page like the filter results do.

    I've just found the "Import" from TXT which will help a bunch! Thanks for making this avail!

    • Bro

      Bro - 2006-04-03


      I didn't implement support for the NOT operator in v2.31 but I hope to get it implemented in the next version.

      I don't understand what you mean by moving the filter to the type...

      MPAA is actually implemented but it's not saved to the database. It'll be fixed in the next version.

      The export feature is very limited unfortunately and as you say non-existent in the queries.
      I hope to get it improved soon.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      WOW! Thanks for the nearly immediate response!  And that you've already considered or addressed most of my suggestions - WOW!

      I mistyped "type" when I meant "top" - multitasking as they say.

      Not everyone can use a mouse easily, so moving across an entire page can be very cumbersome. A standard usability test for software is to try to use it without a mouse and see how far you get.

      The BIG request is the "NOT" operator in filters and you've already planned that.

      Did I say, WOW! enough?

    • Bro

      Bro - 2006-04-04


      I agree it might be less mouse movement with the filter at the top, but I do like the current interface alot.
      I will definately focuse on implementing new features rather than changing the layout, but I'm always open for suggestions.

      I'm glad you find our application useful!



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