
Play movie from Selected

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    hello i am sure this would have been mentioned before And maybe it can already be done.. Would be great if you can play the movie direct from the selected list with a few of User selected players for various types of movie files out there.. GREAT program glad i found it..

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-09-10


      Right click the toobar and select "play".
      In the preferences you can choose which player to use.


      • Justin Wark

        Justin Wark - 2008-02-21

        I have a play button (after enabling it) but it is grayed out and when i click it nothing happens.  I have also set up a player in the prefs. Please help, thanks!

    • Bro

      Bro - 2008-02-21


      Did you add a media file to the movie entry?


      • Justin Wark

        Justin Wark - 2008-02-21

        Yeah sorry mate - I added multiple divX (*.avi) files from a directory.

        • Bro

          Bro - 2008-02-21

          Can you post the value in the "Location" field of the movie?
          Are they correct?
          Each file path should be separated by a "*".


          • Justin Wark

            Justin Wark - 2008-02-22

            It is a divX with a single file. E:\Temp\mov\accepted.avi  

            It is the correct path as per:

            E:\Temp\mov>dir accepted.avi

            Directory of E:\Temp\mov

            14/11/2007  09:36 PM       734,765,056 accepted.avi
                           1 File(s)    734,765,056 bytes
                           0 Dir(s)  27,438,592,000 bytes free

            I'm assuming that i do not need a '*' since there is only one file.

            • Bro

              Bro - 2008-02-22

              Which Windows version do you have?


              • Justin Wark

                Justin Wark - 2008-02-23

                I am using Windows Vista. I am a Java developer myself and I actually ended up downloading the source code.   I noticed the code about not supporting Vista or other non-Windows Operating Systems (Mac, Linux, etc).  This seems a bit of a pitty since the system is written in Java and could easily run on any platform.  I ended up changing the codeto use "file.exists()" instead of the fancier code using the Drive class (which only works on older Windows and no other Operating Systems). I can sent thought what i have if you like.


                • Bro

                  Bro - 2008-02-23


                  It should be able to run media players on any platform already.
                  The Drive class is only used on Windows, but if it doesn't work on Vista I'll disable it for that operating system.

                  The Drive class is used because I experienced some shitty behaviour where a popup window would appear if the file path pointed a drive that was empty, e.g. a DVD-ROM.

                  Thanks for sorting this out!


                  • Justin Wark

                    Justin Wark - 2008-02-24

                    The issue for me was not running the Media player. The issue I had was that it was not enabling the 'Play' button when you select a movie from the list.  From looking at the code I can not see how it would work on a non-Windows Operation System, since the class would never get 'initialised'.

                    • Bro

                      Bro - 2008-02-24

                      This is the code from v2.6.1.
                      If not windows, it will not use the Drive class.

                      Why wouldn't this work on not Windows OS's?

                      if (FileUtil.isWindows()) {
                          String drive = tmp.substring(0, tmp.indexOf(":") + 1);

                          if (drive.length() == 0)
                              try {
                                  DriveInfo d = new DriveInfo(drive);
                                  if (d.isInitialized() && d.isValid() && !d.isRemovable()) {
                                      enable = true;
                              } catch(Exception e) {
                                  log.warn("Exception:" + e.getMessage());
                      else if (new File(tmp).exists()) {
                          enable = true;

                      • Justin Wark

                        Justin Wark - 2008-02-24

                        Yeah sorry, you are right - I was only looking in the DriveInfo class, i didn't realise the class was not used at all if not Windows.

                        • Bro

                          Bro - 2008-02-24

                          Don't worry ;-)

                          The important thing is that it should work.

                          I'll add changes so that it won't run of Win98 and Vista.



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