
Add other columns to listview

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It would be nice if the listview could have more than columns for example: title, imdb rating and seen/unseen. Also to be able to sort by each column.

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-08-19


      What do you mean by "have more than columns" ?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I meant more than one column. For example: "Movie Name | IMDB Rating | Seen/Unseen " and so on. Also to be able to sort by them. For example when I press on column header "IMDB Rating" the list would be sorted ascending or descending by IMDB Rating.
      I hope I made it clear this time.


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-08-22

      Do you searching on more than one column?

      In the search dialog you can specify wich column to search (title, directed by, written by, genre, cast).
      You can also order by title, direcetd by, rating, date and duration.

      If you want to search on other columns, like genre, you can define an alias in the "general info alias" tab.
      Then write in the search filter: {your_genre_alias:drama}
      You can see more examples in the help page on the home page.

      Beware that the parantheses are actually "Curly brackets", also called braces.

      Does this answer your question?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yeah, I know about that you can sort this way. But you must make many actions to to see some different sort. For example: I want to sort my movies by IMDB rating so I can choose to watch some movie. In order to do this you have to click Search, then choose order category to be Rating and click ok. And now they are sorted by rating but I can't see right away movies I haven't seen, I must click on titles and see the Seen button. And I like my list to be sorted alphabetically so before I exit I have again to select search then order category to Movie title and then click ok. You see it's frustrating for me to go thorugh a dialog box every time I want to change the sorting. Maybe if you can't add columns maybe you could put some buttons on the main window to change the sorting. And the Seen/Unseen could be put in the place of the image that is to the left of the movie title. I just like to be able which movie I have seen and which not.

      10x anyway.



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