
Last Viewed?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It may seem small but adding a box to display the last time you watched something may help during those "Don't know what to watch" moments - eliminating ones you recently have seen. 

    maybe adding a simple toggle to reset the date to now(), and even a field to enter the date.
    I added it as an extra field and seems to help me watch something with more dust on it.


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-07-31


      There are countless of stuff like that we could add.
      What we don't want to do is fill up the app with dozens of features that just makes the user interface less easy to work with.
      (A good example is the "select a random movie" function (that some other movie managers have) which is quite useless).

      I understand this can be useful, and I'm not ruling anything out just like that, but I doubt this will appear anytime soon.
      It will require a new field in the database, and we don't plan to update it just yet.
      When updating the database (later some time), we'll add such fields so that this feature is possible to implement.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I second this option.  I would like to mark any movie that I have already watched.


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