
Exporting to html.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I was wondering if it was possible that when the list is exported to html with full details , that it could include genre, actors, director etc as well as the codec info. This would make this already fantastic bit of software complete for me as I have approx 1200 movies in my list and I often lend them to others who want to know who's in this film and what is it about etc. I could just send them the html list to browse with all the relevant info.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Forgot to say thanks for this bit of software....
      it does what it does very well and at last i have all the info for my movies properly documented!!

      sourface =)

    • Bro

      Bro - 2006-04-02


      This is unfortunately not possible with the current version.
      Hopefully this can be implemented in later versions.
      Thanks for your input!
      I'm glad you enjoy our work!



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