
Show "Runtime" in "Movie Info" section

  • Matthias Ihmig

    Matthias Ihmig - 2007-04-22

    Here's another request:

    Is it possible to add the "Runtime" Information from IMDB to show up not only in the "Misc tab", but also above in the "Movie Info" field, (e.g. on the right side of the Language field)?

    Thank you,


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-04-22


      It's not easy to make this look good, considering the winodw can be resized and all that.
      I can't promise anything...


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Runtime might be added below the cover, the same way B&W/color tags are displayed. Or it could just supersede the color information by the time more important changes are made to the GUI. Color format is not as important as runtime IMHO. Plus it would be great to be able to do searches on runtime the same way we can filter on rating or release date.

        Anyway your software keeps looking better and better, thanks for your great work.



        • Bro

          Bro - 2007-12-28


          Search on runtime is a very good idea.
          I'll remember that!



    • Matthias Ihmig

      Matthias Ihmig - 2007-04-22

      Hmm, I see. Well, I don't know if this would work, but maybe is it possible to split the space for the "Country" field and add the Runtime there?

      Anyway, thanks for trying!

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-04-22

      I know it sounds so simple, but making a good GUI is not easy at all. I've used countless of hours on tuning the GUI, and there are still many improvments to be done.
      I did plan to make the general info more customisable, but at the moment there are a bunch of bugs to fix before doing anything else.


    • Matthias Ihmig

      Matthias Ihmig - 2007-04-22

      I really like the GUI - not overcrowded, easy to handle, functional, (working!) key shortcuts (rare to find in Java apps ;-). And all the important information is visible without scrolling (for this reason, I also like the possibility to change the order of the additional field entries). For the Runtime, I can work around it by using the Duration field in the Additional Info in the meantime.

      Sure, I agree, bug fixing is much more important right now.




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