
Seen/Unseen for TV Episodes

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, sorry if this is already covered, I did search the forum several times and couldn't find anything.

    I have a lot of TV shows and often it is hard to keep track of where I am in the season of a given show. I now have them all in the Movie Manager and mark each episode as seen when I watch it.

    So far so good, but the problem is that filtering on seen/unseen only filters on the TV show as a whole, not on individual episodes, so it is not possible to for example generate a printable report of all unseen episodes.

    I also tried adding an extra field called "TV unseen" and then create a custom filter for that, but no go. It seems the program insists on dealing with any TV show as an individual entry even though it has sub-entries as episodes.

    It would be great if the Seen/Unseen indicator would work for each individual episode of a TV show. Just imagine The Simpsons with almost 19 full seasons...

    • Bro

      Bro - 2008-01-16


      Unfortunately it's not possible to search the episodes at all.
      Also the filtering on seen/unseen will not check each episode.
      This is simply a missing feature if you could call it that.

      I might have time to implement this in the next version which will be out soon.

      Thanks for the feedback.



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