
Dont add duplicates

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    can you guys add a feature for MM to not add movies already in the DB. IE if you add a folder for example, and it finds items already in the DB(path + filename match) it wont add it to the DB.
    Guess the same will go for tv series..
    Thank you


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-07-24


      This might be implemented later on.

      Thanks for the feedback


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you very much

      forgot to thank you for the nice software you guys are developing. Keep it up

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Can you make this optional? I actually have multiple versions of the same movie, different regions, and would like to keep them both in the same db.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      And of course it would have to take into consideration year of release etc as many movies have like names.

      But A nice FIND DUPE option in the search mech would be nice :)

      Thanks for the great GREAT program guys....

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-08-11


      A "Dont add duplicates" functionality would check the path to the media files, not the title.
      This hasn't been started yet, but shouldn't be very hard to implement.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Are you assuming that all movies added to the base are 'on the system' in some file?  This is obviously not true for all. Mine are in a box someplace in the garage, all I need to know is which box..... :)

      Duplicates by title and release year.


      Thanks Bro

      • Bro

        Bro - 2007-08-27


        What was first requested was a way to avoid adding duplicate movies with the same media files, especially when using the multi-add function.

        To check on title and release year when adding new movies manually will simply help you avoid adding the same movie twice, in case you forgot that you already did.
        If you are unsure it's quite easy to do a search you know...

        The IMDb id's are unique so it's easy to compare those, so maybe it'll be included sometime...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Bro

      Did you maybe have a chance to add this feature yet? I know it has been a long time, but im sitting with the same problem still where i have a database of 500 movies, but a folder with 1000 in.Cant add the whole folder, as it will defintely create alot of duplicates which i dont want.

      Thank you for keeping this going


    • Bro

      Bro - 2008-04-27


      I haven't found the time to work on this.
      Maybe I'll find some time when the semester ends.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If this feature was added it would be excellent.

      Thanks for this great organizer.

      • Bro

        Bro - 2008-06-02

        I've been working on this, and the "add multiple movies" has been vastly improved.
        Avoiding duplicate media files will be included in the next version.



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