
View Lists in Movie Info Section

  • Konrad

    Konrad - 2007-04-22

    Hi, it would be nice to know what list each movie is attached to. When clicking on each movie it should state somewhere what list if not multiple lists it it attached to. It would also be nice to have an option to search for movies that arent attached to any list. I have 400 movies, and 5 of them aren't attached any list. There is no way for me to find out which movies arent, so i have to blindly re-attach each movie to each list in hopes of getting the ones i missed previosly.

    Anyhow great program, keep up the good work!


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-04-22


      You're right, that is silly.
      I'll try to get this into the next version.

      Thanks for the feedback!


    • Konrad

      Konrad - 2007-04-23

      Thanks for listening! Looking forward to the next version! And i'll be sending a donation next month, because i love this program!


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-04-23


      Thanks for the support.
      At the moment there is no way to donate though ;-)

      Your feedback and support is worth a lot more than the money you'd donate...unless it's a huge amount of money... ;-)



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