
LARGE Covers!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    This program is basicly perfect, exept for one thing for me..

    BIG OL COVERS! lol, reason being I have this on a media center hooked up to a 36 flat screen, and TV's dont display text and pictures very well, but making them BIG helps alot, and it also helps alot for selection of movies for my friends/family, when they see a cover that interest them or that they reconize.

    So thats my suggestion, please keep up the good work and thank you for this awsome program that I have been searching for so long, make the covers have an option to go biggie size mode and It will be a program of god.. lol.

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-08-22


      The reason the covers are so small is that IMDb only offers these small covers.
      Bigger covers must be grabbed from amazon or something.
      Also, I'm not sure where the covers would be displayed in the movie manager...
      Any suggestions?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yeah I already figured IMDb covers are small, but just incase you wanted to change the cover yourself to something larger.

      Obviously its not real practical for tons of movies, mabye it could stretch the image?

      As far as placement.. the only thing I can think of is to be able to click the cover and instead of going straight to IMDb, it pulls up a little selection (Like when you right click to add the PLAY MOVIE button) and theres 2 choices there, one is VIEW COVER and other being IMDb Info. When you select View Cover it would pull up a new window that could be 'Always on Top' and float nearby so you can select your other movies and it changes to each movie your looking at.

      More advances features would be zoom function, which would strech the image if it was already at 100%.

      Obviously this is probly a huge deal as far as programming goes, but an interesting idea non the less, yes?

      • Bro

        Bro - 2007-08-23


        It shouldn't really be that hard to implement, but all features take time you know...
        I was also thinking about a floating window wich is probably the best option.

        Will you add a feature request to the tracker ?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I think this ( set up would be awesome. For people who don't want the big picture there is one of those bars that lets you change the size or disable the big pic (like between the plot/cast and additional info sections). Hopefully the image I directed you to shows what I mean. Do you think you could do something like that?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You could also save a lot of space by using a different font and trimming the width of the list to do something like this (

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      or switch sides for the cover and info and here is my favorite

    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-08-30

      You had a lot of fun there it seems... ;-)

      There should be no problem in having multiple views like the ones you've proprosed.
      Unfortunately I don't have much spare time right now, so I can't do much else than answering these questions...

      Are you interested in doing some work on this?
      If you are, send me an email (You'll find the address by clicking my name).



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