
Double click on Movie in List opens Edit Wind

  • Matthias Ihmig

    Matthias Ihmig - 2007-04-28

    I would find it very convenient, if I could open the Edit dialog box of an existing movie,
    when I doubleclick on that movie in the list.



    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-04-28


      That was actually implemented in v1.8 or something. When Episodes were introduced this was replaced by expanding a series.
      It's still possible to use the short-cut keys though.


      • Matthias Ihmig

        Matthias Ihmig - 2007-04-28

        Ah, I see, this would make adding this somewhat more work - to determine if the clicked title has episodes connected - and then either open the Edit dialog, or expanding the series.
        Would be nice, but this is low priority :)


        • Bro

          Bro - 2007-04-28

          It's no problem implementing this, but it would be a bit confusing I think.
          One time it expands the series, and another time it opens the edit dialog...


          • Matthias Ihmig

            Matthias Ihmig - 2007-04-28

            Hmm, in this case, I don't think it would be confusing.
            The user always sees in the list if the entry is a movie (line connection in the tree) or the header for a group of episodes (plus/arrow connection).

            This presentation is analog to a file manager handling directories with subdirectories (expand on clicking) and files/no subdirectories (show contents/open on clicking).

            As the movie list is shown in this familiar way, I think that this behaviour of double-clicking would not be confusing the user, as he can see what will happen on a double-click by looking at the connection symbol (plus/line) of the entry.

            Just my 2 cents,


    • Bro

      Bro - 2007-04-28

      Ok, if there are no other uses for double clicking an entry you can go ahead and implement this if you want.


    • Matthias Ihmig

      Matthias Ihmig - 2007-04-30

      Now in CVS.



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