
Episode search fails...again

  • samhill5215

    samhill5215 - 2014-08-15

    Yup, thanks imbd. It gets to the season selection window and selecting a season leaves you with a blank window.

  • samhill5215

    samhill5215 - 2014-08-16

    Actually titles aren't added either, not just episodes. Select something to add and nothing happens.

  • Bro

    Bro - 2014-08-16

    Argh, I whish I implemented parsing some other sources in addition to IMDb.

  • samhill5215

    samhill5215 - 2014-08-27

    Bro I've been using a browser based routine using phpquery to add titles to the database. Haven't implemented one for episodes yet but the routine works for adding titles and has worked through several imdb changes. You're welcome to it if you think it'll help.


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