
Can't play movie

  • Steven Cheak

    Steven Cheak - 2008-09-05

    hi guys, i am still having problems playing movie files.

    1. I have enabled the play button.
    2. I have included the "File Info" with the Movie Edit fuction.
    3. I have selected VLC player as my external player from Preferences.

    When the title is highlighted in the movie list, the PLAY button lights up. But when it is clicked, nothing happens.

    Can someone explain to me where i have gone wrong???


    • Bro

      Bro - 2008-09-05


      Can you check the log file in the install directory?
      There might be some relevant info in there.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        When running from a Terminal window, I get the following message -

        194129 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG root  - ActionPerformed: Play
        Play path:/Applications/
        194129 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG root  - command:[Ljava.lang.String;@3ddbdd
        194130 [Thread-24] ERROR root  - Exception: /Applications/ cannot execute /Applications/ cannot execute
            at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
            at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(
            at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
            at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
            at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
            at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
            at net.sf.xmm.moviemanager.commands.MovieManagerCommandPlay$ Source)

        Running OSX 10.5

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Using version 2.5.5 I get this message -

          275603 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG root  - ActionPerformed: Play
          Play cmd:/Applications/QuickTime
          Play CMD:/Applications/QuickTime
          275604 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG root  - CMD2:/Applications/QuickTime "/Users/macminiuser/Movies/21.avi"

    • Steven Cheak

      Steven Cheak - 2008-09-05

      i can't seem to find any info on that
      i had a few problems earlier with the programme not updating new information, but its fine now.
      everything else works well now except for the player

      btw im on a mac
      here are my configurations:

      mac osx 10.5
      powerbook g4

      • Bro

        Bro - 2008-09-05

        So you're on Mac..I see...
        Well, I don't have one, so it's not easy to test on that platform.
        If you choose the VLC binary file extracted from the dmg file it should work.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I found that any file with a special character in the folder string wont play.

      This meant that a default file name of "new folder(2)" wont work...

      check for that...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem with "(" & ")" in the file name
      I thought it was a more serious problem because I couldnt play any movies, the button was greyed out as all my movies have the date in brackets in the file name.  Removing the brackets has solved the problem but I have about a thousand movies to rename.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Special characters in the file name/directory seem to work in vista but not in XP.

    • Bro

      Bro - 2008-12-09


      After some testing I've found that this completely depends on the program executed.
      The command executed is:

      "program video1 video2"

      The "program" is either the default file handler in Windows, or a custom media player specified in the preferences.
      The video files are given as arguments to the program.

      When executing the default media player registered with Windows, it fails with some special characters as you've noticed, simply because the default file handler can't handle it.
      The reason the default handler might work in Vista and not XP is simply because it's been fixed.

      If you choose a custom player in the preferences, it will probably work a lot better.
      I've no idea how to fix this in XP. So, my advice is to use a custom media player that can handle special characters.



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