
Mediterranean are you still here?

  • Bro

    Bro - 2003-09-02

    are you still working on this great program

    • Mediterranean

      Mediterranean - 2003-09-04

      The project is stopped, for now... :(

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Too bad the development of this program is stopped!! I juse it with great pleasure (and would hate to reinput my movies in another data base

      Hope you will re-start development again.

      Cheers Squiker.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      By the way. Anything us users can do to keep this excelent project going?

      • Mediterranean

        Mediterranean - 2004-10-21

        Apart becoming a developer, I guess nothing :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Well.. I don't know if i will be much help there, as I am a novice at Java development (and not a great c/c++ programmer).

      But i will look in to the source code (when i find the time ;-).. (Any tips to get started? I use netbeans for development right now)

      So I might get back to you sometime..

      For now, Great to hear your still active on the message board. Just wanted to let you know I (and probably a lot of others) am enjoying you excellent program!

      Cheers.. Squiker

      • Nobody/Anonymous


        Tips for Java: use Eclipse :D

        For the movie manager there aren't any tips... This was my fist interface so it's really, really bad (internally, because for the user it is acceptable)... It should be refactored a lot!

        Anyway, experiment with Java. To step out from novice one must do something :) That was also one of the reasons I did this program, I wanted to know how to make UIs. Now I know what I shouldn't do (something like what is done :)


        • Mediterranean

          Mediterranean - 2004-10-27

          Oopss, logged off. I wrote the above.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Mediterranean.

      I will look in to your code (already got it to compile #;-).

      I think it is a nice project to look in to.. I won't prommise to make any improvements, but if i do anything i will run it by you..

      As for the gui.. I did not think it was that bad at all..

      Kind regards,


      • Mediterranean

        Mediterranean - 2004-10-28


        The problem with the GUI is it's mixing with the program logic. It would be nice to have an independent jar for the logic and another for the GUI... Well, if we really wanted to promote reusability, it would be nice to have three jar's: one for the logic, another for the persistence and another for the GUI :) This way anyone could make another interface for the program, or store the the info in MySQL or XML with the same logic... And as you may see in the forum, may users/developers would benefit from this separation.



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