
how to import the project and compile in lazarus

  • Victor

    Victor - 2019-10-07

    It does not compile for me either. There are some syntax changes in new versions of Lazarus, which made it no longer compatible.
    Give me a few days to fix this, and I will come back with some kind of instruction.
    Best regards,

  • Federico Allegretti

    thanks Victor.

  • Victor

    Victor - 2019-10-12

    Hi Federico,
    Thanks to the help from Lazarus Forum members, the project is now compiles. The new source was added as XMLTreeEdit_0.1.0.33_Source.tar.gz.
    Just unpack everything from that archive into a folder of your choice, run Lazarus, Open Project - file name XMLTreeEdit.lpr and compile. It should work out of the box.

    The program behaviour may slighly change, comparing with the previous versions. I will test it more scrupulously at work, because I use it myself a lot, and make changes, if necessary.

    Best regards,

  • Victor

    Victor - 2019-10-14

    I can confirm, that it compiles both in Linux (Lazarus 2.0.2 GTK2+ on LInux Mint) and Windows 10 (Lazarus 2.0.4) environment. The functionality seemingly did not change, possibly that issue, which caused me to include custom copy of Grids.pas unit, has been resolved.

    Best regards,


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