
XML Toolkit / News: Recent posts

xmltk1.11 release

This release fixed the xsort bug and modified filestream.cpp so that xsort detects errors of the file system such as "no space left on devices in /tmp".

Posted by makoto onizuka 2007-02-18

xmltk1.1 release

XMLTK process multiple XPath expressions in XP{//,*} optionally
with limited predicates. Predicate expressions must follow the
following conditions simultaneously.
1. The last location step does not have any predicates. Location steps except the last one can have predicates.
2. The last location step does not specify the same attribute used in predicates.
3. // and predicate are not used in a same XPath expression when the XML stream has nested with same elements.
4. A predicate follows the form of [attribute operator constant value] or [position]. A position predicate comes before any attribute predicates in the same location step.
5. When a location step has multiple predicates on attributes, the order of attributes must be the same with the occurrences of attributes in the XML stream. ... read more

Posted by makoto onizuka 2006-11-14