
XML Resume Library / News: Recent posts

XML Resume Library Migrated to Subversion

To stimulate development, we've completed the Sourceforge CVS to Tigris Subversion migration. Users behind restrictive corporate firewalls can now enjoy full access to the xmlresume repository. This move allows us to reorganize and prepare for the release of some exciting new features in the coming months!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-14

Proposed Schema Updated

Acting on many helpful comments, I've made some improvements to the future 2.0 schema, including the addition of "professional summary" and "extendedPersonalInfo" elements, a switch from attributes to elements, increasing the hierarchy (makes formatting simpler), and added multiple periods for roles. The schema is still located at

A big thank you to all who have commented, and thanks in advance to those who would like to improve this version.

Posted by Mark Miller 2004-07-26

2.0 Schema available; Comments Requested

This is a work in progress, but feedback is appreciated. The doc is available at (

Posted by Mark Miller 2004-02-13

Website Gets a Project News Feed

To keep the community abreast of current developments of the project, I've linked SourceForge's RSS News feed ( to the main page. The following are older news items that were not syndicated:

22-June-2003 After an extended hiatus (lead developer finally found a job) headway is again being made toward XMLResume 2.0. A new, XSD-based Schema that should fix many existing problems; increased focus on the HTML stylesheet; and an honest-to-goodness real-live web service to make creating an XMLResume as simple as filling out a form. Anyone interested in developing XSD or the new XSLT should contact Mark.... read more

Posted by Mark Miller 2004-02-13

1.5.1 (and then some) now up!

Just in case there are people only monitoring this site for project news, the newest version of the XMLResume library is up. Among the new features:

ORC: The Online Resume Converter. A great way to convert your resume if you can't install the required software on your own machine. For developers, this is also a great way to get feedback on what people are actually seeing when they convert their resume. read more

Posted by Mark Miller 2002-12-01

XML Resumes 1.3.3

Put your resume in XML with version 1.3.3 of the XML Resume Library, available now

You can create PDF, HTML, and plain text renderings all from a single source. Or exchange resumes and curriculae vitae in XML format in B2B style.

Posted by Sean Kelly 2002-04-16

XML Resume Docs now available

Heidi Hansen generously typed up and donated some how-to documentation for the XML Resume Library. Check it out at

Posted by Sean Kelly 2002-02-13

One Point Three Point Oh

The XML Resume Library project is happy to announce that version 1.3.0 is now available! Get it fresh from

With the XML Resume Library, you can put your resume or CV in XML and format it into web, PDF, and plain text presentations---all from a single source. The latest version supports a bunch of resume metadata, and produces some truly professional formattings, too. What are you waiting for? Don't you need a job?

Posted by Sean Kelly 2002-01-16

XML Resumes will go MONTHLY!

The XML Resume Library at has been long overdue for a release. People have wanted bug fixes and new features for job hunting with an XML-based resume or CV, especially now with today's levels of unemployment.

That's why we've adopted a release schedule. On the 15th of every month we will cut a new release---more often if serious bugs are discovered. By setting a schedule for ourselves, we can better guarantee implementation of new features and improve the turnaround time for patch application.... read more

Posted by Sean Kelly 2002-01-11

Put your resume in XML with version 1.2.4

The XML Resume Library project has released version 1.2.4, available at

This package lets you create multiple formats of your resume from a single XML source, and this release fixes more bugs and adds more features than ever before. Hunt for jobs the modern way with an XML resume!

Posted by Sean Kelly 2001-09-04

World Domination! (With XML Resumes)

The XML Resume Library goes world class with release 1.2.3. Make yourself a resume in XML and automatically generate French, UK English, and US English styles. International addresses and parameterized paper sizes are also supported. Get it from

Posted by Sean Kelly 2001-08-02

Job hunting for the 21st Century

The XML Resume Library's just released version 1.2.1. Prepare your resume in XML. Then, from a single source, generate HTML, PDF, and plain text versions. Or submit the XML directly to XML-savvy companies. Hit the pavement in the modern and open-source way: drop Micro$oft Word and use XML!

Posted by Sean Kelly 2001-07-06

Resumes in XML

The XML Resume Library comes to SourceForge at last! The XML Resume Library lets you create PDF and HTML formats of your resume from a single XML source. Check it out at

Posted by Sean Kelly 2001-06-19