
#90 Add period after skills in comma mode

Stylesheet (13)

When you have a list of skills and they are output in
bullet mode, all the <skill> entries can be formatted
the same (ie: start with capital, end with period), but
when they are output in "comma" mode, no changes to the
skills that are listed is made, forcing you to modify
the first <skill> to set it to having a capital, and
the last <skill> to put a period at the end of it.

If this could be done automatically it would make the
ability to use one XML file for multiple formats much


  • Bruce Christensen

    Logged In: YES

    We can easily add a period to the end of skill lists in
    comma mode. I'll implement that.

    I think capitalization manipulation would be a useful
    feature. However, it's a bit tricky to implement.

    First off, there's no good way to change capitalization from
    XSL. It's easy enough to change a-z -> A-Z, but much harder
    when there are accented characters or non-european characters.

    Beside the problem of *how* to change case, there's the
    problem of *what* words should have their case changed. We
    have two cases to deal with: bullet and comma formats.

    In bullet format, the first letter of a skill should always
    be capitalized, with one exception:
    1. It's a word that's never capitalized (some words are
    always written lowercase, like "e.e. cummings").

    In comma format, the first letter of a skill should always
    be lowercase, with two exceptions:
    1. It's a word that's always capitalized ("Microsoft", "XSL")
    2. It's the first skill, in which case it should be
    capitalized like a bulleted skill

    So, the question is, can we do this, and if so, how?

    There's no way that a computer program can know if a word
    should always be capitalized or lowercased (short of having
    an exhaustive database of such words). Instead, we need the
    user (resume creator) to indicate this somehow. We could add
    a special attribute, like <skill firstCase="alwayUpper"> or
    <skill firstCase="alwaysLower">, but that seems a bit messy
    and heavy-handed.

    Another option would be to have the user always write skills
    in lowercase, unless they're an "always uppercase" word.
    This would result in a skill list like this:
    - sewing
    - canning
    - Singer sewing machine repair

    - novel writing
    - e.e. cummings poetry analysis
    - copyediting

    We could then always capitalize the first letter when
    formatting as bullets, or leave as-is (except for the first
    skill) when formatting as commas.

    This has two disadvantages:
    1. Always-lowercase words would be erroneously captialized
    (E.e. cummings)
    2. It forces people to write in a certain way (always
    initial lowercase)

    Any thoughts on how we can best implement this (or whether
    we even should)?

  • Bruce Christensen

    • labels: 339730 --> Stylesheet
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • assigned_to: nobody --> bruckie
  • Bruce Christensen

    Logged In: YES

    Er... that <skill firstCase="alwaysLower"> business could be
    more simply written as <skill preserveInitialCase="yes">,
    with a default of no.

  • Bruce Christensen

    Logged In: YES

    I've made it so a period is added to the end of skills
    lists. I haven't done anything with capitalization. I'd like
    to see more discussion on it.

  • Bruce Christensen

    • assigned_to: bruckie --> nobody
  • Bruce Christensen

    Logged In: YES

    I'm un-assigning this item to myself because I'm going on a
    mission for my church (, so I'll be
    unavailable for the next two years. Hopefully it'll be fixed
    by then!


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