XMLResume is great, but there are some things I feel
are missing.
As mentioned elsewhere, a section for certifications
is needed. Also needed are sections for professional
training received and presentations given.
Presentations could be folded up into publications but
I usually see them distinct from publications.
I don't think it's appropriate to lump professional
training courses in the academics section because they
are so distinct. Also for those outside academia, your
academic degrees matter less than training received to
keep skills current as your career progresses.
Keeping them separated lets you emphasize your training
without mucking it up with academic details.
I have created my own dtd with these changes, and
altered the XSL accordingly. If you're interested, I
can provide them to you.
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Please attach your files to this comment. I'm certainly
interested in seeing them, and I'll consider adding them to
the XML Resume distribution.
Extened XMLResume DTD that includes Training, Certs and Presentations (originally submitted by y0yodyne)
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This comment originally submitted by y0yodyne
I've added three sections to the DTD for my purposes:
Professional Training Received, Certifications Attained
and Presentations Given. They look like this:
<!-- NEW! What profession training, if any, you might
have received. -->
<!ELEMENT training (courses, note?)>
<!ELEMENT courses (course+)>
<!ELEMENT course (title,date)>
<!ELEMENT note (para+)>
<!-- NEW! What certifications, if any, you might have
received. -->
<!ELEMENT certifications (title,certification+)>
<!ELEMENT certification (title,date)>
<!-- NEW! Have you presented anything? -->
<!ELEMENT presentations (presentation+)>
<!ENTITY % presElements "(subject|venue|date|url)">
<!ELEMENT presentation (para | %presElements;)*>
<!ATTLIST presentation id ID #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT subject (#PCDATA | link | url)*>
<!ELEMENT venue (#PCDATA | link | url)*>
Thanks for a really useful tool!