
Use with proxy servers

  • Benjamin So

    Benjamin So - 2005-02-20

    Hi there,

    I'm using XMLResume on Eclipse and have run into a problem with proxy servers. When I try to run the pdf task on a filtered resume, I get the following error:

    External entity not found: ""

    Evidently, ant is trying to go out and find the DTD, but can't because I'm behind a proxy. This is more an Eclipse question, but how do you tell ant about the proxy? I know I can edit the filtered resume to tell it to look at my local file system, but that gets annoying after a while. TIA.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I don't know about Eclipse, but with java, I set the proxy on the command line or script :

      java -DproxySet=true -DproxyPort=80 [...the rest of the args: i.e,  org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in %1.xml -xsl xsl\output\%2-html.xsl -out %1.html]


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