Jeff Dickey - 2006-03-07

I need to be able to list periods of time spent consulting to various clients (who are not necessarily exclusive at any point in time nor contiguous in time, so dates on the client entries should be at most optional. Other than that, each client entry would convey most of the information for a standard job.

Something like:
<location>Ultima Thule</location>
Provided various software-development and planetary configuration services to clients ranging from small startups to Galactic 5000 corporations.
Selected clients included:
<name>Spatial Anomalies Pte Ltd</name>
<location>Titan City</location>
Audited Spatialies' energy budget for FY 2009 on behalf of their major shareholder, a well-known local deity. This involved several tasks:
<listitem>Waking up;</listitem>
<listitem>Showing up in the office;</listitem>
<listitem>Resolving discrepancies between wildly varying reports of Spatialies' performance as a world-creation subcontractor.</listitem>
Was responsible for proving that one project widely reported as having been completed in 168 hours actually took 3-4 billion years, substantially reducing the on-time performance bonus paid for the project.
<client> /* ... */ </client>

This would produce a report resembling an ordinary job, with the client items indented so that the client headers line up with the consulting-period (and other ordinary job) text margin.
