
Love XML Resume. Is the project dead?

  • Bill

    Bill - 2011-04-10

    I love this project but it appears to be untended. Is that true?

    I used XML Resume a few years back and only now need to use it again, but I'm stuck. I tried redirecting the config files to local versions of the XSL and DTD copies, but I still get the following error:

    @:~/Desktop/resume-1_5_1/examples$ make
    java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process  -in resume.xml -xsl ../xsl/output/us-html.xsl -out resume.html
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xalan/xslt/Process
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    Could not find the main class: org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process. Program will exit.
    make: ***  Error 1

    Any advice?

    Long live XML Resume!

  • Bruce Wallace

    Bruce Wallace - 2011-04-10

    That error is caused by the class you are trying to run (in this case xalan) not being on the javapath. Google that exception to see all the ways to fix it (given the particular version of java you are using).

    As far as the project, your's is the first forum post I've been emailed in months/years.  I only subscribed years ago because I had created a rival xml resume std/system (

  • Brian May

    Brian May - 2011-04-12

    Errr… says it has been superseded by, which is a redirect to, which hasn't been updated since 2003. So, at quick glance anyway reXume looks like it died before this project.

    I could be mistaken; my attempts to locate any files, documentation, etc, for reXume were fruitless.  The last commit for xmlresume was December 2008.

  • Bruce Wallace

    Bruce Wallace - 2011-04-12

    That's all true about reXume…I wasn't advocating using it…I just found XML resume waaay back when I was doing reXume…they (along with several others like HR-xml) were young back then and it wasn't clear which if any would be worth using.  In retrospect, none of them did what people envisioned back then which was that all the type sites would take resume data in a standard XML format,

  • JoHay

    JoHay - 2011-08-09

    So what's a nice and viable way of doing a resume the XML way nowadays?

    I am still using xmlresume for my CV nowadays,
    and I do need advise and bug fixing like this:
    space between end tags and the following word always gets removed.
    So if you enclose something in an XML element, you are getting into trouble with the following space resp. word.

  • Tony Dahbura

    Tony Dahbura - 2011-11-10

    I am trying to use the xsd but the link appears to not have the file actually present…. results in a couple of characters and some garbage output.  Does someone know the path to the real dtd?


  • Brian May

    Brian May - 2011-11-10

    You need to download the DTD file to your disk. The webserver declares it is text/html, so your browser will try to display it as a HTML, which obviously won't work. Or look at the page source, that should have everything too.

  • brundibar001

    brundibar001 - 2013-01-19

    Hello, I'm interested in this project (to standardize CV templates in XML format) - is there anybody else who'd like to wake it up? Let me know pls!

  • Brian May

    Brian May - 2013-01-21

    Somewhere I remember reading (I can't find it now) that xmlresume no longer has any point, because recruiters don't use structured text to store and search resumes, rather they do full text searches. So this is why the authors lost interest in the project. On something like that.

  • brundibar001

    brundibar001 - 2013-01-26

    Thanks for the link bmay.  My point of view:   "job-offers-gigants" don't support a CV-standard, they don't want to make it easy for their users to switch to another jobs site (?).  (Ok, the first fact is that it's not ready at all - job sites cannot spend money & time on such a "may-be" extension.)There is need to make users interested and then the job sites would realize that their support of CV-standard would make them more popular (or better - it would be the only way for them). 


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