
Copyright notice in example XML files.

  • Dmitri

    Dmitri - 2005-12-15

    I copied example1.xml to myresume.xml and modified it to make it my resume.  However, I am a little confused by the copyright notice.  Do I have to retain it in my resume's XML source?

    • Trevor Harmon

      Trevor Harmon - 2005-12-15

      I don't know why Sean put that in there. If you're modifying and distributing the file for your own personal use, I'm sure he won't mind if you remove the copyright notice. And if you're still concerned about it, there's an easy solution: Just leave it in!

      • Dmitri

        Dmitri - 2005-12-15

        The notice says Copyright Sean Kelly.  My resume has my copyright.  I think it may get confusing if you just look at the XML file, not the resulting output.

        • Trevor Harmon

          Trevor Harmon - 2005-12-15

          The law makes life confusing sometimes. It's up to you how strictly you want to follow it.

          Still, it's probably within your fair-use rights to adapt the sample resume for your needs. There's little need to worry about copyright here; I'm sure that Sean intended for people to copy and modify his sample without restriction. I don't think he'll sue. :)

          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2006-04-14

            I believe the copyright notice on the output is intended to discourage headhunters and the like from duplicating and distributing your resume without your permission.  It can be removed by adding "copyright" to the excludeElements variable in the Makefile/build.xml file and then using the targeting filter.  For this to work, you may need to download the latest revision from CVS/subversion.

    • Trevor Harmon

      Trevor Harmon - 2006-04-15

      We were referring to the copyright notices in the comments of the example files. The notice is a generic software redistribution license and does not appear in the resume itself.


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