After studiying the dtd and the examples, I have a couple of suggestions from the top of my head:

- The text of copyright notice doesn't seem to belong in the XML-file. Why not just tag the owner and date of copyright and add whatever text is needed in transformation (Which would also take care of the language problem)

- How about adding a few more alternatives to the job element. For people who have been self employed for a while, projects would seem to belong into the history just as well a jobs. Or working on a book. I agree, that a seperate publication section is the usual way to present this, but say you need a simple linear presentation of what you did when.

- Re: targets. It seems against the spirit of xml to markup with a concrete application in mind (which is what target is supposed to do). Wouldn't it be better and more flexible to categorize the elements and later decide what categories would be needed for certain presentations? I realize this technically is pretty similar to the target attribute, but a big differnce in how it is used.
