
sourcecode XML metadata extraction tools / News: Recent posts

XML Extractor 0.3.0 Released

Major, new features added (see --help, for complete list of supported features)! README file added!!

1.0 is right around the corner - this just needs a little mileage.

Posted by Matthew Gruenke 2002-09-09

Test Plan document posted

I've posted a preliminary Test Plan. I think the descriptions of the functional tests are fairly complete (and those are the only ones I'm committing to implementing). Still, it's a bit of a work-in-progress.

Any feedback is welcome. The document isn't terrible comprehensive for the following reasons:
1) it is a fairly simple tool, with well
defined inputs and outputs.
2) the implementation is fairly clean and
3) no matter how much effort I put into
writing tests for it, it'll probably
get much better coverage in actual use.
4) I don't have a lot of time, and beyond
basic functional tests, as a sanity-
check, I think tests aren't absolutely
essential (see 1, 2, and 3)
5) I don't have any experience writing
test plans.

Posted by Matthew Gruenke 2002-01-06

Documents Converted to HTML

After discovering that my nicely formatted ASCII had been squashed into hideous blocks of solid text, I converted them all to HTML. The content should be the same, but now they're actually legible!

Posted by Matthew Gruenke 2001-12-29

Preliminary Docs Posted

I posted some documents I've whipped up. They're not intended to be very exhaustive, but should serve to give interested parties a rough idea of what I'm doing and how I'm trying to do it. I know there are lots of holes (I didn't even mention anything about what does or how I'm using it, for example), but I figured this is probably better than nothing.

I'm quite open to feedback, so don't hesitate to send me questions, suggestions, etc.

Posted by Matthew Gruenke 2001-12-28