
XML Copy Editor / News: Recent posts

Version released

* Fix a layout assertion
* Keep running when spell checking fails
+ Support libenchant-2
* Fix a DDE error on Windows (Bug #236)
* gdk_x11_get_server_time crashes when an invalid window is passed
* Migrate to PCRE2 (Miriam Ruiz)
Posted by Zane U. Ji 2022-10-16

Version released

* Link against wxWidgets 3.0
* SSE2 compatible CPUs are required (xerces-c++)
* Use the same default encoding to read and write files (Bug #234)
* Only show SSE2 warning in debug build
* Bug #228 Misleading translation when file was changed externally, may lead to data loss
* Bug #227 Dead Link: Help > Forum
* Bug #221 Patch for building with C++11 (Roger Leigh)
+ Added Mac port
* Update the iconized frame window when opening files from the command line
* Fix supporting for filenames with non-ASCII characters
+ Feature #171 Fold element does not fold following whitespace
+ Feature #170 I did a small patch that allows SPACE to trigger autocompletion on any space (Thanassis Tsiodras)
Posted by Zane U. Ji 2022-10-16

Version released

* Fixed problems with new documents
* Bug #212 XSLT insert elements
* Bug #211 Tag-completion remains on-top when XML-Copy-Editor looses focus
* Keep the original format when associating a DTD/schema/XSL
+ Added a Linux manual
- Stopped installing copyright notices of components that are not installed by us
+ Feature #169 Close current tab with Ctrl+W
Posted by Zane U. Ji 2014-09-06

Version released

+ Feature #69 Add "current XPath" shortcut
+ Feature #155 XPath - functions
+ Click on the error message to jump to the error location
* Bug #103 Locale files have the wrong pathname under Linux
* Bug #99 fix desktop file (Marco Rodrigues)
* Bug #57 black on black = hard to use
Posted by Zane U. Ji 2014-06-02

Version released

+ Feature #25 Fast commenting
+ x64 installation package
+ Supported HTTPS on validation (when libxerces-c linked with libcurl)
* Auto complete list for DTDs that are on the internet
* Show UI before opening any file
* Made UI more responsive
* Fixed tab order
* Fixed encoding problems
* Fixed invisible captions in high contrast mode (Windows only,
Posted by Zane U. Ji 2014-05-04

Version 1.2.1 released

- Zooming in/out problem with default font
+ Close panels with menu or, when built with wxWidgets 3.0, Escape key
* Updated Khmer translation
* Keyboard support in Symbol Picker Dialog (Windows only,
Posted by Zane U. Ji 2014-04-06

Version released

+ Convert DTD to schema
+ Khmer translation
* Use less temporary files
* Fixed bugs
Posted by Zane U. Ji 2014-01-10

Version released

Improved support for large files
Improved Unicode handling
Improved catalog resolving
Fixed bugs

Posted by Zane U. Ji 2013-11-01

Version released

Fixed a few bugs.

Posted by Zane U. Ji 2012-10-07

Version released

Supported creating schemas from XML files and many bug fixes.

Posted by Zane U. Ji 2012-09-16

Version released is a maintenance release. Many thanks to Kev James for his expert help and also to Marcos Perez Gonzalez who contributed the Spanish translation. Download it at

Posted by gnschmidt 2009-04-10

Version released

Version enables full support for thumbdrive and limited user installations on Windows. It also fixes a number of bugs (see tracker for details). All Windows users are encouraged to upgrade.

Posted by gnschmidt 2008-10-12

Version released

This release offers much faster background validation for DTDs and more readable parser error messages. It also fixes a number of minor bugs.

Posted by gnschmidt 2008-09-01

Version 1.2.0 introduces background validation

If you don't wish to use this feature, de-select 'validate as you type' under Options, Editor.

Posted by gnschmidt 2008-07-16

Version released

Version introduces a Russian localisation, fixes a number of bugs and updates the editor component.

Posted by gnschmidt 2008-07-03

XML Copy Editor: Version introduces Aspell support

XML Copy Editor is a fast, free, validating XML editor.

Version introduces full Aspell support and XML Schema-based element inspection.

Posted by gnschmidt 2008-01-22

Version released

Version introduces XML Schema-based autocompletion and validation-as-you-type.

Posted by gnschmidt 2008-01-06

Version released introduces an Italian translation and a variety of minor bugfixes and features including:

1835110 File dialog doesn't show files with no file extension
1817520 Remove Encoding from .desktop

1839232 Validation buttons
1838633 Vertical tile windows
1824940 Easier folding

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-12-18

Update for Ubuntu 7.10

Previous *.deb was unstable under 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. This is a recompile from unchanged source files.

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-10-21

Version released

On Windows, version updates several underlying libraries to the most recent stable versions (wxWidgets, libxml, libxslt) and drops MSXML in favour of Xerces-C. On Linux, libraries are already up to date and the release focus has been on better integration with window manager themes. Thanks are due to Justin for sorting out Xerces-C support on Windows.

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-10-15

Updated Ubuntu package

The Ubuntu *.deb package now carries the necessary dependency information. However, it is still only a checkinstall package, so if anyone has a script to create a full-featured *.deb archive I'd be very interested to hear from you!

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-09-17

Version released

Version introduces a Ukrainian localisation and fixes a number of bugs. Thanks are due to Serhij Dubyk and Justin Dearing.

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-09-12

Version released

Version fixes a number of bugs and introduces support for CSS.

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-08-15

Version 1.1.0 released

1.1.0 consolidates the changes made in the 1.1.0 release candidates. Many thanks for bug reports, comments and timings.

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-07-30

Version 1.1.0-rc2 released

This release candidate fixes errors in the handling of byte order marks and UTF-32 files. Many thanks to all those who commented on the first release candidate and also to Francois for updating the French interface.

Posted by gnschmidt 2007-07-30