
#170 I did a small patch that allows SPACE to trigger autocompletion on any space

Next Release

People used to the autocompletion of other .xml IDEs, expect that hitting SPACE will show the dropdown list of available options when you hit SPACE on any empty place, not just the FIRST space.

In the example below the dropdown would show when SPACE is hit on both A and B - currently, xmlcopyeditor only shows it when one hits SPACE on A (i.e. right after the double quote - if a space is in the place of A, nothing happens when you hit SPACE on B):

<SomeElement SomeAttr="somevalue"AB...

I did a small patch that attempts to fix this - I attach it here for your review. I am hoping it doesn't break anything - it seems to work on in some quick tests I did here.

Thanks for building this excellent .xml editor!

Kind regards,

1 Attachments


  • Zane U. Ji

    Zane U. Ji - 2014-10-12

    Thank you for the patch.

    The change can be found at [0a5c83].



    Commit: [0a5c83]

  • Zane U. Ji

    Zane U. Ji - 2014-10-12
    • status: open --> accepted
    • Group: Future --> Next Release
  • Richard Hawkes

    Richard Hawkes - 2014-10-23

    This is EXACTLY what I need, thank you! However, my C++ compilation skills are a long way from being any good. Do you have nightly build binaries I could use (ideally Win-64)? Failing that, when would the next release be? Thanks again.

  • Zane U. Ji

    Zane U. Ji - 2014-10-24

    A test version has been uploaded. xmlcopyeditor-2014.10.24.0-x64-install.exe

  • Richard Hawkes

    Richard Hawkes - 2014-10-24

    I think I got the wrong end of the stick on this. For a given tag, I was hoping it would give me a list of possible values as specified in the DTD. Is this possible?


    Last edit: Richard Hawkes 2014-10-24
  • Zane U. Ji

    Zane U. Ji - 2014-10-29

    It will take some time.

    • Richard Hawkes

      Richard Hawkes - 2014-10-29

      Well, thank you for considering it. I promise to give it a thorough user test :-)


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