
New version 3.2 of xMarkup released

  1. GUI of utility was ported from Delphi 7 to open-source IDE Lazarus (
  2. As a result GUI has got the full support of UTF-8 and covenient localization mechanism.
  3. The list of languages supported by GUI may be easely extended (now English and Russian).
  4. Theoretically it's became possible to port GUI to Linux and Mac OS.
  5. Refactored the source code of GUI, library of visual components Delphi VCL was replaced by Lazarus LCL.
  6. Fixed bugs found in console module:
    switched off in version 3.0 debug mode;
    empty value of macro @body when start and stop markers are defined as beginning @bol and end of line @eol;
    bug in function utf2ncr converting UTF-8 string to NCR in the case of 3-,4-bytes UTF-8 characters.
  7. Added support of UTF-8 data. The regular expressions and case insensitive search were adapted too.
  8. Added new functions:
    utf8_upper(s) converting UTF-8 string to "upper case" (capital letters);
    utf8_lower(s) converting UTF-8 string to "lower case" (small letters).
  9. Updated program documentation.
  10. Revised installator to take into account features of Windows Vista/7/8.
Posted by Sergey Logichev 2012-11-26

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