
xMarkup Text Transformation Utility / News: Recent posts

Smart "tuning" while using session config file (xmwin.config).

xMarkup's GUI was updated to take into account current computer's configuration while opening xmwin.config file. Previously, when program was transferred from one computer to other then session configuration was messed. As a result you could observe obscured errors while opening help links or editor. Now session configuration linked to unique HardwareConfig of your system. Release file was updated.

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2023-06-05

Version 4.7 of xMarkup

New version 4.7 of xMarkup was released. Added new functions for processing of dates in Julian/Gregorian calendars. New examples of scripts added. Fixed generation of .exe for scripts.

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2023-05-28

Fixed very unpleasant bug in GUI

Fixed very unpleasant bug in GUI which corrupted scripts while opening. It was produced by some "enhancements" as usually it is :)

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2022-04-23

Version 4.6 of xMarkup - some fixes

Some minor but important fixes were added:
1) Fixed the saving of graphic window to image file.
2) GUI: copy/paste operations in the list of source files added (now you can add http/https URLs together with file paths).

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2022-04-11

Version 4.6 of xMarkup

This version was preparing yet year ago, but due to pandemia my vital forces was exhausted.
Console modules were built with Unicon v13.2 x86_64 (GCC v9.2), December 2020 sources.
GUI was updated and built with Lazarus IDE v2.2.0.4.
Supported architecture now is only x86_64.
It was supposed to include in this release the updated GUI of WordTabulator, but still postponed.
There were added examples of xm scripts to demonstrate graphics features of Icon/Unicon.
Thanks to Carl Sturtivant ( there was added integration with console text editor micro

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2022-04-09

2020-09-25. xMarkup 4.5 setup fixed.

xmwin GUI for x86_64 was updated as initial version was unworking.
Also some inconsistencies in User's Guide and scripts was fixed.

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2020-09-25

Version 4.5 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility

2020-09-22. Republished version 4.5 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility.

List of changes:
1. Console modules built with Unicon v13.1 x86_32/x86_64 (GCC v9.2.0), February 2020.
2. GUI updated and built with Lazarus IDE v2.0.10.
3. You can define http:// and https:// URLs as input files.
4. Many minor fixes and changes made in modules xm and wt.
5. You can specify filepaths both in Unix format and Windows.
6. Updated and fixed graphical procedures Hist and PlotWords.
7. Reorganized and simplified mechanism of multi-step processing; added new macros: @source, @target, @stepno, @INPUT, @OUTPUT.
8. Added new functions: set_input(s), set_output(s), html2txt(s), roman(n), unroman(s).
9. Updated docs and reorganized structure of xm distributive (as zip-archive).... read more

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2020-03-30

Version 4.2 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility is released.

This release includes following changes:

  • Console modules were built with Unicon v13.0 x86_32 (GCC v6.3.0), June 2017 update.
  • GUI was built with Lazarus IDE v1.6.4.
  • Fixed an error while processing of empty input lines (files). Early in such situations markers @bol/@eol (@bof/@eof) aren't triggered as supposed.
  • Added function EOL(), which can be used to define EOL (end-of-line) format of output files.
  • Fixed GUI error of reloading the current script when it was changed by extenral editor/program.
  • Fixed other minor inconsistiencies of GUI.
  • Docs updated and added with new examples.

Данный релиз включает следующие изменения:

  • Консольные модули утилиты собраны с помощью Unicon v13.0 x86_32 (GCC v6.3.0), обновление июнь 2017.
  • GUI собран с помощью Lazarus IDE v.1.6.4.
  • Исправлена ошибка обработки пустых строк (пустых файлов). Прежде в таких случаях не всегда срабатывали маркеры @bol/@eol (@bof/@eof).
  • Добавлена функция EOL(), с помощью которой можно управлять форматом конца строк выходных файлов.
  • Исправлена ошибка в GUI для ситуации перезагрузки скрипта при его изменении во внешнем редакторе.
  • Исправлены другие мелкие неточности в GUI.
  • Обновлена и дополнена новыми примерами документация.
Posted by Sergey Logichev 2017-06-22

Version 4.1 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility is released.

  1. Updated core of utility to Unicon Version 13.0 x86_32.
  2. Fixed an error in xm2exe utility for muli-step scripts.
  3. Added new option compatibility, which defines the minimum compatibility version of the script.
  4. Updated GUI: fixed progress indicator; added block of Environment variables; added popup menus.
  5. Updated docs.
Posted by Sergey Logichev 2017-01-29

New version 4.0 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility released

  1. Core of utility upgraded to Unicon Version 12.3. As the result the performane rised at ~30%.
  2. Added the new processing options: graphics, encoding, untranslatedRead, untranslatedWrite.
  3. Added support of graphical features of Unicon Programming Language.
  4. Added graphical procedure Hist of histogram visualization.
  5. Added graphical procedure PlotWords to visualize words in the text.
  6. Added function wt, which implements the interface with module wordtabulator of text analyse.
  7. Added function Gauss to generate pseudo random value of Gaussian distribution.
  8. Added function set_option to specify the needed option of processing, see chapter 4.4.
  9. Start of processing now is available right from body of initialize procedure.
  10. Refactored utilities xm2exe and xmcomp.
  11. Changed command line (CLI) options of utility.
  12. Upgraded setup program; added new variants of text editor integration.
  13. Reworked documentation and examples of scripts.... read more
Posted by Sergey Logichev 2016-08-15

New version 3.6 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility is submitted!

  1. Deleted option -x from utility's command line.
  2. Added function replace_first(s,s0,s1) which replaces first substring s0 in string s to s1.
  3. Added function rand(x), which generates pseudo-random value.
  4. Added function oldcyr2rus(s,l), which translates old Cyrillic text to modern syle Russian (UTF-8).
  5. Fixed the utility xm2exe.
  1. Удалена опция -x командной строки утилиты.
  2. Добавлена функция replace_first(s,s0,s1) замены в строке s только первой подстроки s0 на s1.
  3. Добавлена функция rand(x) генерации псевдослучайного значения.
  4. Добавлена функция oldcyr2rus(s,l) трансляции кириллического текста в дореформенной орфографии к современному стилю (UTF-8).
  5. Исправлена утилита xm2exe.
Posted by Sergey Logichev 2015-06-22

New version 3.5 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility is ready!

  1. The core of utility was updated to new version of Unicon 12.2. As a result the performace slightly rised (~25%).
  2. Updated docs: added description and an example of working with SQL database.
  3. Added command line option -i which outputs list of features supported by current implementation of utility.
  4. Added function replace(s,s0,s1) which replaces all instancies of substring s0 in string s to s1.
  5. Fixed function listfiles(s,i), which returns list of filenames by filesmask s. Unicon vs Icon implements own cross-platform means to process file system and directories, so this function was competely rewritten.
  6. Fixed utility xm2exe for case of multi-step processing scripts.
Posted by Sergey Logichev 2015-02-02

New version 3.4 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility is ready!

Unicon Programming Language was choosed as a programming environment instead of Icon. This move was done as Unicon is a next generation of Icon and currently dynamically developing. Unlike Icon it completly supports Windows OS. A few updates of Icon have been realised exclusively for POSIX/UNIX systems (including Cygwin for Windows). Version of Icon compiler used by xMarkup for MS Windows was realesed at 1997 and so is very ancient. As Icon code is 100% compatible with Unicon the language move was easy and hasn't require any changes. Moreover the using of Unicon for MS Windows provides performance speedup about 30% (in the case of Windows7/8 and modern "hardware" to 40-45%). Additionally Unicon greatly extends the features of xMarkup, for example:

  • object-oriented approach in programming;
  • using of graphics;
  • working with databases through ODBC driver;
  • multithreading;
  • extended set of built-in functions.
It should be noted however, what the using of all these opportunities requires some redeveloping of xMarkup. This will be done in the next releases only.

Posted by Sergey Logichev 2014-07-08

New version 3.3 of xMarkup Text Transformation Utility is ready!

  1. Fixed function utf_upper(s) converting UTF-8 string to upper case.
  2. Added new functions:
  • dir_exists(s) checking if specified directory exists and writable;
  • make_dir(s) creating a directory if it doesn't exist;
  • set_output(s) redirecting of output results to the specified directory;
  • set_encoding(s) setting the encoding of processed files (ANSI/UTF-8);
  • add_input(s) adding a file to the list of processed files;
  • open_input(s) open specified file as a current input;
  • load_script(s) open specified file as a current processing script;
  • execute_processing(L) processing of specified list of input files by current script.

  • 3. Added macro @script, which returns the specification of current processing script.
    4. Implemented an easy mechanism of step-by-step processing of input data (see chapter 5.5.12 of User's Guide).
    5. User's guide updated.

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2014-01-13

    New version 3.2 of xMarkup released

    1. GUI of utility was ported from Delphi 7 to open-source IDE Lazarus (
    2. As a result GUI has got the full support of UTF-8 and covenient localization mechanism.
    3. The list of languages supported by GUI may be easely extended (now English and Russian).
    4. Theoretically it's became possible to port GUI to Linux and Mac OS.
    5. Refactored the source code of GUI, library of visual components Delphi VCL was replaced by Lazarus LCL.
    6. Fixed bugs found in console module:
      switched off in version 3.0 debug mode;
      empty value of macro @body when start and stop markers are defined as beginning @bol and end of line @eol;
      bug in function utf2ncr converting UTF-8 string to NCR in the case of 3-,4-bytes UTF-8 characters.
    7. Added support of UTF-8 data. The regular expressions and case insensitive search were adapted too.
    8. Added new functions:
      utf8_upper(s) converting UTF-8 string to "upper case" (capital letters);
      utf8_lower(s) converting UTF-8 string to "lower case" (small letters).
    9. Updated program documentation.
    10. Revised installator to take into account features of Windows Vista/7/8.
    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2012-11-26

    New version of xMarkup for Win32 was updated

    New version 3.0 was updated 05-25-2012 as had very unpleasant BUG in GUI (scripts with long lists of start/stop markers could not be loaded).

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2012-05-25

    New version 3.0 of xMarkup released

    1. Refactored and optimized the console module of utility. This provided a performance boost, especially in the case of processing files with extra long lines.

    2. Added support of script files in UTF-8.

    3. Fixed found bugs, added new functions for UTF-8.

    4. Updated GUI, script examples and documentation.

    5. Updated distribution of xMarkup for POSIX/UNIX systems.

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2012-05-24

    xMarkup Text Transformation Utility v2.1.4 released

    xMarkup is a text transformation utility for processing of a set of text files.

    The transformations performed by utility can be extremely complicated comparing to ordinal search&replace procedures.
    Actually the utility uses a procedural language, with help of which any algorithms of text transformations can be implemented.

    In the new release the binaries for Windows and sources for Unix were updated.

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2009-01-31

    xMarkup Text Transformation Utility v.2.1.3 released

    xMarkup is a text transformation utility for processing of a set of text files.

    The transformations performed by utility can be extremely complicated comparing to ordinal search&replace procedures.
    Actually the utility uses a procedural language, with help of which any algorithms of text transformations can be implemented.

    xMarkup may be successfuly used to solve following tasks:
    -generate or edit the navigational cross-links within a set of html-documents;
    -analyze and convert the structure and/or content of SGML/XML/HTML documents;
    -split or merge text files by specified rules;
    -edit, analyse or process in some way text files;
    -extract data;
    -generate scripts and more.

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2008-10-03

    xMarkup source package for UNIX released

    Sources of xmarkup utility for UNIX released. Now you can build xmarkup on any specific system, for which available Icon Programming Language. Check available UNIX platforms at

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2008-09-19

    xMarkup Text Transformation Utility v2.1.2 released.

    xMarkup is a text transformation utility for processing of a set of text files.

    The transformations performed by utility can be extremely complicated comparing to ordinal search&replace procedures.
    Actually the utility uses a procedural language, with help of which any algorithms of text transformations can be implemented.

    xMarkup may be successfuly used to solve following tasks:
    -generate or edit the navigational cross-links within a set of html-documents;
    -analyze and convert the structure and/or content of SGML/XML/HTML documents;
    -split or merge text files by specified rules;
    -edit, analyse or process in some way text files;
    -extract data;
    -generate scripts;

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2008-06-01

    xMarkup Text Transformation Utility v2.1.1 released

    xMarkup is a text transformation utility for processing of a set of text files.

    The transformations performed by utility can be extremely complicated comparing to ordinal search&replace procedures.
    Actually the utility uses a procedural language, with help of which any algorithms of text transformations can be implemented.

    xMarkup may be successfuly used to solve following tasks:
    -generate or edit the navigational cross-links within a set of html-documents;
    -analyze and convert the structure and/or content of SGML/XML/HTML documents;
    -split or merge text files by specified rules;
    -edit, analyse or process in some way text files;
    -extract data;
    -generate scripts;
    -etc.... read more

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2008-05-07

    xMarkup Text Transformation Utility: v2.1.0 released

    xMarkup is a text transformation utility for processing of a set of ASCII files. All Win-32 and POSIX/UNIX platforms.

    The transformations performed by utility can be extremely complicated comparing to ordinal search & replace procedures.

    Actually the utility uses a procedural language, with help of which any algorithms of text transformations can be implemented.

    However, using of these procedural extensions are needed only in a few cases. For most cases it is enough to define start and stop markers for searched text elements and describe templates of their transformation. ... read more

    Posted by Sergey Logichev 2007-11-27