
XManager / News: Recent posts


So far the project is going a good rate of development. So far I've managed to correct a few bugs but seen that I need to remake the installation package since I've altered a bit things around on the main packages.

The Administration already have the Global Configuration ready and I'm already around 20% of the pages management.

The language settings have been made dinamyc so that it uses EN as the default one but ready to support as many as you want...... read more

Posted by Miguel Simões 2006-09-24

Under development

Hey all,

First of all let me thank you for looking into this project... I'm still finishing some things, and hope to have the first release here around October.

The engine is done (some minor tweaks may be done until the first release which will be 0.8-alpha) so I'm working on the administration/control panel.

Hope I have it done in time since...

Posted by Miguel Simões 2006-09-18