
xlsLib / News: Recent posts

Any interest in adding images?

Given the update note feature, xlslib now has much of what is needed to support images. Excel does not let you put an image in a cell, but you would be able to align images with the top-left corner of a cell.

Also, the .xls format does not let you specify column width in inches or centimeters - they are spec'd in increments of a character from the default font's size. So fully aligning columns to images is going to be hit or miss.... read more

Posted by David Hoerl 2014-01-26

Notes finally working

In BIFF5 (original xlslib format), notes were simple things to create. In BIFF8, the latest and last binary format, notes are hugely complex - in addition to creating them there must be a drawing group in the workbook, and drawing in each worksheet.

That said, its now working - you can create as many notes as you want, with a max text size of 2048. The notes expand as you enter more text, and you can set any fill color you want to override the default yellow color.... read more

Posted by David Hoerl 2014-01-24

Formulas updated

Several deficiencies in the formula code were fixed. There is now a raft of examples shown in the "formulas.cpp" file located in the targets/test folder, including numbers, strings, database, etc. Its a work in progress. Note that you can also do array formulas now.

Posted by David Hoerl 2014-01-24

MSVS 10-12 should be supported now

Rolled a bunch of Ger Hobbelt's changes into the svn tree, should make it easier for MSVS and possible Mingw users.

Posted by David Hoerl 2013-03-02

Release 1.0.0 now available.

Release 1.0.0:
- 32/64 bit support
- C interface
- general cleanup

Posted by David Hoerl 2008-02-08

Continuing development

Changes in the C++ arena in the past two and a half years prevent this project from compiling. The FreeBSD team has created patch files for the primary project that will be rolled back into the project shortly. In addition, the test application will be updated so it too can be recompiled. A C interface is currently in development, and other interfaces are planned for the future.

Posted by David Hoerl 2007-03-27