

  • David Hoerl

    David Hoerl - 2014-01-26

    My initial thoughts on adding images to xlslib would be to support jpeg and png. If anyone really needs an other format please add a comment. Adding image support is not trivial and I'll want to see some interest in this feature before embarking on it.

    • dVidec

      dVidec - 2014-03-27

      It would be great if you could add support for inserting images. JPEG and PNG should be enough if you ask me.

      Also, I wanted to say that this is a great lib. Very easy to use and nice. A rescue for xls work on iOS.

      • David Hoerl

        David Hoerl - 2014-03-27

        I replied below to your original question (SO didn't navigate me to the proper place). Also, I do hope you saw the note about the JXLS iOS ObjectiveC framework for this library.

  • mijobe

    mijobe - 2014-01-28

    Have sent you a private mail with an implementation of images. Hope it helps :)

    • Bias

      Bias - 2015-03-13

      Hello mijobe,
      I am planing to use xlslib in my project and need adding images to excel files also .
      Would you give me your implementation or some suggestions.Your sincere supports would be extrmely grateful.
      Thank you.

  • David Hoerl

    David Hoerl - 2014-03-27

    Its a substantial amount of work - the images uses a whole different "framework" - a graphics framework overlaid on the xls file format. I half implemented it to get the Note feature working.

    Another user has done this already - with some image size limitations - you could ask for a copy of his code: michael at Its a good two-to-five solid days of coding to get what he did - and its tedious mind numbing work (managing offsets to various containers, and back references).

    • dVidec

      dVidec - 2014-03-27

      Great. Thank you for the info. I'll contact him and give it a try.

      Anyways, thank you very much for the effort you've put to library so far, you've done a really great job!

      • David Hoerl

        David Hoerl - 2014-03-27

        Well, a number of people did this library originally with the intent of selling it, didn't pan out, so they open sourced it. I needed it at that time so took over support. Later one contributor Ger Hobbelt took over primary support, he was a real C++ guru, and he made the library absolutely lightening fast. I've been doing work on and off, but nothing like Ger did (he did the formula feature too). We had a user the other day add 1M rows to a workbook - 50K rows in 20 different sheets! This was the biggest spreadsheet I know of made with this library.


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