
Change Column Size

  • Jonathanrz

    Jonathanrz - 2012-07-21

    I need to change the size of some columns.

    I tried to invoke the method colwidth from worksheet.

    The parameters that I tested were: (0, 5), (0,20), (0,1000) and (1,5), no worked :/.

    Somebody knows any way to change column size?

    Any help will be very useful, I'm lost.

  • David Hoerl

    David Hoerl - 2012-07-21

    If you had taken even 2 minutes to look at the header file for colWidth in the sheet interface, you would see that that method sets a column (first arg) to 1/256th the width of the character '0'. This feature has worked in the past, that does not say that it still works. So if you try 25,000 that would give you the width of like 100 character or so. try that and get back to us.

    (comment in code):  // sets column widths to 1/256 x width of "0"


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