
more then 65536 rows

  • mijobe

    mijobe - 2012-09-07

    As all row and col parameters are int32 values I expected that it is possible to use more then uint16max rows.
    Is that somehow possible or is there currently a restriction to 65536 rows?

  • David Hoerl

    David Hoerl - 2012-09-07

    This is an exel restriction. The use of int32 was historical and it was just viewed as too much of a hassle to force users to use uint16 values. Most everyone knows Excel's limitations regarding Row/Col

  • mijobe

    mijobe - 2012-09-08

    I know that this restriction existed up to Excel 2003. From 2007 on it was increased to more then a million rows. I am not sure if at that point OOXML was invented, but a short test showed up that oocalc is able to handle more then 65536 rows in a BIFF8 formatted file - whereby I am not able to check if this violates the MS format definitions …

  • mijobe

    mijobe - 2012-09-08

    sorry - oocalc only seems to write the data, but on reopening the file the data behind row 65536 is lost …


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