
#459 Is there any way to convert .ogg files to wav?


Running macOS 10.14.5 currently. I have some .ogg files that I wan't converted to .wav files but it says it is unsupported. Is there any way to use XLD for this?


  • Se Algo Asoma

    Se Algo Asoma - 2022-02-26

    Three years later, same issue. I guess this is the end of the road for XLD, because if I have to find another converter, I'm going to find one that works for everything I need, I'm not keeping multiple converter apps around and trying to remember what can handle what formats.

    I'd much rather see this fixed, though.

  • tmkk

    tmkk - 2022-02-26
    • status: New --> Done
    • Type: Defect --> Enhancement
  • tmkk

    tmkk - 2022-02-26

    I've uploaded a vorbis decoder plugin to the Files section.

  • Anders Margaux

    Anders Margaux - 2022-05-07

    Thanks for the plugin, tmkk, much appreciated.
    I just can't get it to work... I downloaded and put it in ~/Library/Application Support/XLD/Plugins

    But i get the error "Cannot open the input file." when i drag an .ogg file onto XLD.
    I'm on macOS Monterrey 12.3.1, MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) M1

  • tmkk

    tmkk - 2022-05-07

    You have to extract .zip and put extracted .bundle file to the directory.

    • Anders Margaux

      Anders Margaux - 2022-05-09

      Yes, i did that, but it results in the error that i posted. The other two plugins that i have in that folder work as expected :)


      Last edit: Anders Margaux 2022-05-09
  • tmkk

    tmkk - 2022-05-09

    Strange. Maybe some errors are displayed in when running XLD or openning .ogg file.

    XLDAacDecoder.bundle in your screenshot doesn't support M1 Macs. So it's also strange that it works.

    • Anders Margaux

      Anders Margaux - 2022-05-11

      I realized that i still had Build #3 from this ticket installed on my computer, which is an Intel only build (not universal):

      I tried both now: Starting XLD with or without using Rosetta with your latest normal build ( xld-20211018.dmg )

      You're right, the XLDAacDecoder only works if Rosetta is activated and not on M1 native.
      The same goes for the OGG encoder, which only works via Rosetta.

      I tested the whole time with one ogg-file which is the format Telegram saves voice messages.
      Somehow XLD can't convert that an throws the error. I now realized that it works fine on all other OGG files that i tested it with (but with Rosetta activated).
      So i guess the problem is a special ogg-encoding that Telegram uses...

      Opening the files in a text editor the headers looked different to the OGG files that XLD could convert:

      Telegram iPhone (doesn't work with XLD)
      libopus 1.3.1

      Telegram Mac (doesn't work with XLD)

      Header that works with XLD
      OggS≤<&4˜∂‘ˆvorbisD¨ˇˇˇˇ ?ˇˇˇˇ∏OggS≤<&4ˆ&„. ºˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇívorbis Xiphophorus libVorbis I 20011231TITLE=

      Another header that works with XLD
      OggS¥:∏5cvorbisD¨m†∏OggSˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ¥:˚Ói°ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇvorbisXiph.Org libVorbis I 20050304
      GENRE=AlternativeCONTACT=Encoded with FreeRIPALBUMARTIST=Shiny

      I'll send you an ogg-file from Telegram as attachment to test :)

      But great that it works for other OGG files — thanks so much for you work !

  • tmkk

    tmkk - 2022-05-11

    The plugin does not support opus (it usually has extension .opus, not .ogg). It only decodes Ogg Vorbis. So it is an expected behavior.

    • Anders Margaux

      Anders Margaux - 2022-05-12

      Ah, i see, strange that Telegram saves them wit the .ogg extension.

      Sorry for the false alert then, and thanks for taking the time to have a look.

  • Melchiorre Alessandro

    any upgrade for M1?

  • Melchiorre Alessandro

    I put XLDVorbisDecoder.bundle in the Plugins folder but nothing happens... dummy me!


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