I've released a patch (1.0.5) fixing a couple of bugs that were present in all previous versions. Passive mode was broken, I'd implemented a change to make it work, but accidentally broken something else! 1.0.4 has been removed, and replaced with 1.0.5. This now fixes a long standing bug with MS-DOS FTP not working properly with XJFTP.
Hi anyone that's checking..
XJFTP is still alive, I've just been so busy that I've not really had a chance to do any work on it. It's serving a purpose in a couple of production environments now; pushing through a few thousand files per day into a web-based back-end system! I'm hoping that later in the summer I might get a chance to look at the feature requests and make some improvements.
XJFTP 1.0.1 is out, which includes all the features we wanted for the initial release, with all the obvious bugs and wrinkles ironed out!
Soon, we hope to release 1.0.2, which in which the logging has been completely replaced with Commons-Logging, wrapped underneath by Log4J. This will allow complete customisation of the logging within XJFTP, including usage of SNMP traps etc.
Please check back soon...... read more
XJFTP-1.0 has now been released. No code changes were made since the early access beta. A build problem was kindly highlighted by Tom Malcolmson via the forum, where by the usage-example source was not being included in the src zip. This issue has been resolved, and a couple of other build items have been tidied; including the removal of some unnecessary JARs which were making the build larger than it should have been!... read more