
#9 The method detail is missing.


The method detail - i.e. _the_ essential part of the API documentation - is missing.

Compare the sample page

with the javadoc page


  • Quinn Taylor

    Quinn Taylor - 2008-06-26
    • labels: 990386 --> HTML markup error
    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Quinn Taylor

    Quinn Taylor - 2008-06-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm certainly well aware that the *every* detail section is missing. This isn't a Java parse error, since Javadoc takes care of that part and produces the correct structure. Rather, it is a lack of code which properly processes the resulting structure. The part of the standard doclet code that produces those descriptions is particularly tangled and heinous. The refactoring is a real headache.

    Since I'm finishing my MS in Computer Science, XHTML Doclet is currently on the back burner. Once I'm done (around December) I will be able to direct more attention at this project. I have tried to indicate that the doclet is not production-ready, since it isn't even close to 1.0 yet. (Of course, some apps never make it to 1.0, just depends on the author's numbering.)

    This will definitely be addressed in a future fix.

  • flying sheep

    flying sheep - 2011-04-04

    Is there a possibility that this gets fixed? I try to avoid having to code Java, but when I am forced to, i’d at least comfort my inner web developer by creating proper html doc.


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