Xterminhate - 2005-01-01

Happy new year 2OO5 !

Today, IPv4, UDP and TCP protocols are working good. API layer is not yet developped and TCP is partially implemented (connection machine states and control messages will be developped asap).

The current test bench consists in 2 communicating stacks instancied into a same process. CPU load is very low (0%) and memory usage is low and stable (no leak, 360ko for 2 stacks).

I have just changed my development plateform passign from MinGW (GCC for win32) to MS Visual .Net 2003 (VC-7.1). Then, I updated my BOOST libraries pasing from 1.31.0 to 1.32.0 (working release, bugged debug).

I also changed license from GPL to LGPL.