
#89 fancy CL/CD values when using controlled flaps

Marko J.

I simulated two planes, each has the same geometric, and other parameters.

plane A: has a flap profile, (flap is defined in XFOIL with 0°, and XFOIL polars were calculated)
the control paralmeters for plane A in stabilty analysis are 1°/control, and it was calculated with -3.

plane B: has a flap profie, ((flap is defined in XFOIL with -3°, and XFOIL polars were calculated)
the control paralmeters for plane A in stabilty analysis are 0°/control, and it was calculated with 0.

My question are:
Why i don't get the same results? e.g. CL/CD over V ( I get fancy values of 160, without controlled flaps around25)
How calculate the stabilty analysis routine controls e.g. flap +10° when there aren't any XFOIL polars?

1 Attachments


  • Marko J.

    Marko J. - 2017-02-10

    Dear developer,

    sorry i found my mistake.
    The stability analysis ingores viscous effects when the flaps are controlled.
    Are there plans to implement this feature with viscous effects?

    btw: is there any workaround?
    maybe i should calculate for sveral flap angels a polar diagrams with XFOIL...

  • André

    André - 2017-02-10
    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • assigned_to: André
  • André

    André - 2017-02-10

    No there's no work around unfortuantely. The stability analysis is inviscid as long as flap controls are activated.
    What it would require is xfoil analysis to be run based on vlm results, or to implement a full 3d BL model. That's a lot of work and currently not part of the development plan.


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