
OpPoints Select ion and Display Options Disabled

Max Hugen
  • Max Hugen

    Max Hugen - 2020-12-02

    I've done something that has disabled the selection of the OpPoints for a Polar, and the Display and Graph Curve settings are also disabled, as per attached image.

    Although I've looked at every menu item that I can find, and did Options > Restore and > Reset, I'm still unable to view opPoints. The program is working and I can export the Polars OK.

    I can also open a previous project, and select/view the OpPoints.

    But if I create a New Project and import the foils from the problem Project, it too has the OpPoint selector etc disabled.

    Advice on how to fix whatever I've done would be very much appreciated!

  • Max Hugen

    Max Hugen - 2020-12-03

    I'm still trying to determine what the issue is. I'm testing an Eppfler 376 foil, and when I first began trying it, everything worked AOK. I have another Project using a different foil which is still OK.

    I tried starting a New Project and loading the foil, and ran it "as is" without Normalising or doing Refine Locally, and left panels at the original 61. No go.

    Then I tried doing the Normalising & Refining, setting the Panels to 100 as recommended. I did notice that it did not save panel number at 99 as it does with my previous foils... something to do with a closed TE? I don't know how to check that. But again, no go.

    Somehow, the issue seems to be related to the foil itself, but I'm stumped. I have attached the foil dat file, which I got from - I used the Selig format dat file.


    Last edit: Max Hugen 2020-12-03
  • Jochen Guenzel

    Jochen Guenzel - 2020-12-03

    Hello Max,

    .... you have to set the checkbox "Store Opp" to see the Op Points ...



  • Max Hugen

    Max Hugen - 2020-12-03

    Thanks Jochen, but it is checked.

    I also made a copy of the previous project that works, loaded the Eppfler foil, and tried it - same result! The other foils displayed the OpPoints and Display options, the Eppfler one does not. :(

    Any chance you could try out the Eppfler foil I attached above, and see if XFLR5 works OK for you pls? Wondering if I should try a re-install next...

  • Jochen Guenzel

    Jochen Guenzel - 2020-12-03

    Hi Max,

    in the hardcopy in your first post the checkbox was not selected. That's why I meant ...

    I tried it and it worked normal . Mmhh -



  • Max Hugen

    Max Hugen - 2020-12-03

    Sheesh! I feel like such an idiot... I thought you were referring to Options > Prefs > Save...

    And all the time it was right in front of my face, after many hours trying everything I could think of.

    Thanks for your patience, you just made my day!

    Cheers, Max


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