
Plane and wing design does not work on a Macbook

  • Klaus Hufnagel

    Klaus Hufnagel - 2022-04-14

    I have a problem running XFLR5 on my Macbook. I create a modell on my iMac and calculation worked well. I was able to calculate polars for different profiles. I coopied the xfl.file to my MacBook and tried repeat the calculation of the model. Instead a polar I got only one dot. The iMac is running under Monterey, on the MacBook I have installed Mojave. Can anybody help to solve the problem? Many thanks.

  • André

    André - 2022-04-15

    These problems seem to be caused by incorrect settings. To restore the default configuration, delete the .ini files
    Windows: "C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Roaming\XFLR5.ini"
    Mac: "/Users/your_user/.config/XFLR5.ini"
    Linux: "/home/your_user/.config/"

    The menu option "restore default settings" will not be enough; the .ini needs to be deleted.
    Not sure why this occurs all of a sudden but it will be fixed in the next version.

  • Klaus Hufnagel

    Klaus Hufnagel - 2022-04-15

    Dear André,
    many thanks for your help, everything works fine again. I spend a lot of time to find the reason for the problem and you saved me a lot of time!

    • Klaus Hufnagel

      Klaus Hufnagel - 2023-02-08

      Dear Andre,
      I have another problem with XFLR5 I cannot fix. I am running XFLR5 on Mac. After open an airfoil and try to modify the relative thickness the program quits immediately. Is this a problem of the program or do I something wrong?

  • André

    André - 2023-02-09

    Most likely the airfoil format is wrong.
    Airfoil name on the first line
    Coordinates starting from TE to LE by way of upper surface and back to TE

  • Klaus Hufnagel

    Klaus Hufnagel - 2023-02-09

    Thanks for the quick reply. I took clarkY coordinates and controlled the data file as recommended. The profile was correct visible in the "direct foil design" module. X-foil calculation works and the results are plausible. When I tries to change the thickness it immediately quits. I am sure to use the correct data format. Any other suggestions

    • Stefan

      Stefan - 2023-02-09

      Hi Klaus,
      I have this issue on the last update of Mojave as well, if I select the option from the drop down menu.
      A workaround is to go to the Direct Foil Design module, right click on the airfoil and then select "scale camber and thickness" from the pop up menu instead.


  • Klaus Hufnagel

    Klaus Hufnagel - 2023-02-10

    Hi Stefan,
    thanks for your tip. It works that way.
    Cheers ,


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