
Modelling Airfoil with limited co-ordinates

  • Michael Brennan

    Michael Brennan - 2023-07-30


    I need to model a wing with limited coordinates, unfortunately the airfoil losses to much detail when modeled like this. is there any way to better represent this airfoil? Is there a way to spline between points instead of a straight line?

    I input the following points into a dat file and developed a very blocky airfoil.

  • Michael Brennan

    Michael Brennan - 2023-07-30

    This was my result

  • Jochen Guenzel

    Jochen Guenzel - 2023-07-30

    Hello Michael,
    ... in Xflr5 "Foil direct design" there is the "Spline Foil". With this, you can very easy "repaint" your airfoil ...

  • Stefan

    Stefan - 2023-07-30

    Hi Michael,
    I second what Jochen just told you.
    Additionally you can import an image as a background to model over. When modelling an airfoil like this pay close attention to the leading edge and repanel a couple of times to make sure it is smooth.



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