
Graphs not appearing after analysis

  • Luis Correia

    Luis Correia - 2017-07-03


    After I make a analysis on my airfoil the respective graphs of said airfoil dont show up. I cant figure out why this is happening. First I thought because there were some points uncorverging but I tried with another foil but it still didnt appear either

  • André

    André - 2017-07-03

    Can you be a bit more specific? Which graphs don't show up? Or do the graphs display, but remain empty? What does the log file say?

    • Luis Correia

      Luis Correia - 2017-07-03

      Sorry. I'm talking about the polar graphs. The log just just shows the AoA that converged and unconverged and nothing more. I think that the program is not saving the points because when i go to edit the current polar it doesnt show any points at all

  • André

    André - 2017-07-03

    If you query the polar properties by Alt+Enter, how many data points does it mention?
    And in the log file, how many points have converged?
    It may help also if you can share the project file.

    • Luis Correia

      Luis Correia - 2017-07-03

      it doesnt show no data points it's very strange.
      in the log file number off converging points would depend on the reynolds number but I had one that no point converged but in others all points had converged.
      Because it wasn't giving me nothing nothing I didn't save but tomorrow I'll try it again and I'll share it

  • Luis Correia

    Luis Correia - 2017-07-04

    I dont know what happened but now it's working fine
    Thank you anyway

  • Jacob Barkley

    Jacob Barkley - 2018-04-25

    Hey do either of you know what that issue may have been? I'm getting zero data points saving even though each AOA is converging. I've used the program several time and have never had this happen. I'm hoping I don't need to just wait a day and have it magically work again.

  • André

    André - 2018-04-25

    Things to try:
    - make sure the polar filter has not been activated inadvertently (menu polars/polar filter)
    - activate "show all polars"
    - reset the default options

  • Zebo

    Zebo - 2022-01-29

    Hello, when I use the Ring vortex analysis method in Wing and Plane analysis, it does not give the graphic results, it seems to calculate, but it does not give any results. I wonder if there is a solution to this, I tried different versions of the program but it gives the same error. Thank you

    • Stefan

      Stefan - 2022-01-30

      Could you describe your problem a little more? What errors do you get?
      If possible upload some screenshots and/or the project itself.
      Also a lot has changed since 2017 so it's probably best to open a new thread instead.



      Last edit: Stefan 2022-01-30
  • Zebo

    Zebo - 2022-01-30
    • Stefan

      Stefan - 2022-01-30

      Your log file says that the points are outside the fligh envelope, which means you didn't generate the polars for the airfoils correctly.
      Check out Andrés tutorials on youtube for a detailed explanation:

      I highly suggest you walk through all the videos, at least from video 6 ( ) since your plane has an intersecting tail and includes a fuselage geometry, which isn't recommended.



      Last edit: Stefan 2022-01-30
      • Zebo

        Zebo - 2022-01-30

        thank you very much, take care.

  • Filip Ma

    Filip Ma - 2022-05-03

    Hi everyone,

    I have a very strange problem, everything seems to work just fine but i do not see graphics like polars or even plane in plane design,

    i am trying everything all day but still the same result,

    i used standard NACA profile, proceeded exatcly according to many tutorials on YT but still the same, no single polar line, whatever i try,
    when i export polar data the numbers are here in .txt file,

    i do not undesrtand, please can you help ?

    Thank you.

  • Daniel P Jaimi

    Daniel P Jaimi - 2022-05-03

    XFLR5 uses 2D airfoil data to interpolate 3D Values in the analysis so if you dont have that 2D airfoil data which is required to interpolate XFLR wont give any graphs generally. So you have to get some polar plots of the airfoils you are using from a wide range of Re if your still facing this problem check your LOG file.

    And Of course dont except good results at high AOA's >7 - 9deg .

    If your issue is still not sorted send your XFL file here if your not comfortable doing it send share your LOG file.

  • Filip Ma

    Filip Ma - 2022-05-04


    Thx. Daniel but i found the core of the problem, i tried it on another PC and it works fine, the problem must be somwhere in my PC, graphic setting or something similar, i dont know,

    no problem with data input or any erros, it actually calulating everything only it does not apper on the screen, when i export polar data everything is in here, i can use it in excel and see the actual graph,
    in plane design i do not see even the plane itself, i mean i configured default plane and the screen is just black without any image, no wing profile nothing, i don even try to do here any analysis,

    does any of you have similar issue ?
    do i need any drivers or something ?
    but this PC I am using for years now, it is powerful gaming machine and i have no any issues with it so far,

  • Daniel P Jaimi

    Daniel P Jaimi - 2022-05-04


    Can you share your XFLR file.
    My email Id is danijaimi@gmail,com

  • Filip Ma

    Filip Ma - 2022-05-04

    Hi Guys I just solvded it,

    here is my solution:

    I just deleted all XFLR5 files from my PC, but not only from installation folder (folder where I saved XFLR5 files) but also any other configuration file that i found in my PC and it solved it,

    so this problem may be only becouse i have been using XFLR5 in the past like couple of months ago, then i deleted it and now i am using it agin but latest version of it, and previously i did not deleted config files so i assume this could cosue the problem,

    previously i have been trying to delete XFLR5 but not config files that are automatically saved somewhere in the Windows, when i deleted only all files in XFLR5 folder and downloaded new one it does not help,
    I used search in windows and deleted everything with XFLR5 name in it and this solved my problem, ufff,

    now it works :D,

    but thank you anyway.

  • Jose Antonio Parada Marin


    I am aware that this blog is designed to discuss Xflr5 issues but I wanted to know if anyone knows how I can analyze large angles of attack (-180, +180) in Xfoil. From what I read, Xflr5 is based on the same model as Xfoil.

    Thanks :)

    • Stefan

      Stefan - 2023-11-16

      XFoil is not capabale of analysing such large angles of attack because of the model behind it. Also please don't digg up old topics to ask unrelated questions .


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