
Unable to import airfoil data into XFLR5

JD Rassett
  • JD Rassett

    JD Rassett - 2018-11-14

    I know that you have to import the airfoil file as a dat file, but I am unable to on my mac book pro. I am wondering if anyone has had the same problem and have been able to fix it.

    On a windows, it is easy saved as a dat and uploaded into XFLR5 but i cant figure out what is going wrong on a mac. Any help would be nice.

  • André

    André - 2018-11-14

    Did you check that the file has the .dat extension, and that it's content follows the conventional format, i.e. name on the first line, then xy coordinates from TE to LE through upper surface and back to TE through lower surface?

    • Volkan Cevik

      Volkan Cevik - 2023-11-07

      I opened a Text Edit file on Macbook Pro, converted it into plain text and converted it to .dat. But xflr5 does not open this file containing my coordinates. What am I doing wrong? I'm a newbie since I tried it on Mac for the first time. And I checked everything you said.

      • Stefan

        Stefan - 2023-11-08

        I had the problem that downloaded or created .dat files would always default to the .txt extension.
        Depending on your settings the real file extension is hidden and it might just appear as a .dat file. Click on the file and look at info (right click & "get Info" or cmd + i). Under Name and extension it will display the full file name with extension . The OS will ask you if you really want to change the extension from whatever it was before, which you need to agree to.
        If that is not the problem check that the formatting of the coordinates is correct by comparing it to a known good file.



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