
problems with NACA 8H12 dat-file (XFLR5)

  • Bella Field

    Bella Field - 2021-06-22

    Hello everyone
    I am looking for some help in creating the polars for the NACA 8H12 in XFLR5. Maybe it seems to be a really easy question for an expert but I am a beginner in using this software.
    I have downloaded the dat-file for the mentioned airfoil and opened it in the program. That was no problem. Now my question: Unfortunatelly there is a (in my opinion) not wanted line at the leading adge of the airfoil. If I want to increase the number of panels in the Refine Globally menu the whole airfoil is loosing its shape due to this fact. Now I was looking for another source but all files, I found on the internet, produce the same problem. I also tried to create new coordinates (out of another web source) and delete the first (in my mind) wrong row in the table. Then the mentioned line disappeared but it still was not possible to increase the number of panels up to the required 100 points.
    Since I need a solution for my further work, I would be so thankful if someone could help me with my (maybe really easy) question.

    Thank you in advance and greatings

  • Jochen Guenzel

    Jochen Guenzel - 2021-06-22

    Hello Bella,

    ... just made a quick check with the NACA 8H12 and all works fine. Attached is my Xflr5 project file. Maybe this helps?



  • Bella Field

    Bella Field - 2021-06-22

    Hello Jochen

    thank you very much for the project file! It is really helpful especially for my further work! I think my dat. file has a data mistake inside because my airfoil also looks a bit different. Do you have a certain website or source from which you download these dat-files?


  • Jochen Guenzel

    Jochen Guenzel - 2021-06-22

    Hello Bella,

    ... you are welcome ;-) The standard source for airfoils is

    Good luck with your project!



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